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  • X. Wan, K. Chen, D. Q. Liu, J. Chen, Q. Miao, J. B. Xu. High-Quality Large-Area Graphene from Dehydrogenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Chem. Mater. 2012, 24, 3906-3915.
  • L. Ye, T. Xiao, N. Zhao, H. H. Xu, Y. B. Xiao, J. B. Xu, Y. Z. Xiong, W. J. Xu. Derivitization of pristine graphene for bulk heterojunction polymeric photovoltaic devices. J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 16723-16727.
  • W. G. Xie, X. M. Wang, J. B. Xu. Intermolecular Coupling Related Electrical Transport Transition in Vanadyl-Phthalocyanine (VOPc) Molecular Bilayers. J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 17580-17585.
  • X. M. Wang, W. G. Xie, J. Du, C. L. Wang, N. Zhao, J. B. Xu. Graphene/Metal Contacts: Bistable States and Novel Memory Devices. Adv. Mater. 2012, 24, 2614-2619.
  • D. Q. Liu, Z. F. Li, Z. K. He, J. B. Xu, Q. Miao. Induced crystallization of rubrene with diazapentacene as the template. J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 4396-4400.
  • J. H. Li, J. Du, J. B. Xu, H. L. W. Chan, F. Yan. The influence of gate dielectrics on a high-mobility n-type conjugated polymer in organic thin-film transistors. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2012, 100,033301.
  • Z. W. Kang, H. X. Zhang, H. F. Lu, J. B. Xu, H. C. Ong, P. Shum, H. P. Ho. Plasmonic optical trap having very large active volume realized with nano-ring structure. Opt. Lett. 2012, 37, 1748-1750.
  • K. Chen, X. M. Wang, J. B. Xu, L. J. Pan, X. R. Wang, Y. Shi. Electronic Properties of Graphene Altered by Substrate Surface Chemistry and Externally Applied Electric Field. J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 6259-6267.

  • M. K. Zhu, J. L. Tang, N. Ke, Q. Qiu, N. Lei, Y. D. Hou, H. Yan, J. B. Xu. Annealing effect on relaxor behaviours of spark plasma sintered Pb(Sc1/2Nb1/2)O-3 superfine ceramics. Advances in Applied Ceramics 2011, 110, 74-79.
  • Z. J. Zhao, Z. F. Li, J. W. Y. Lam, J. L. Maldonado, G. Ramos-Ortiz, Y. Liu, W. Z. Yuan, J. B. Xu, Q. Miao, B. Z. Tang. High hole mobility of 1,2-bis[4 '-(diphenylamino)biphenyl-4-yl]-1,2-diphenylethene in field effect transistor. Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 6924-6926.
  • K. Xue, L. Wang, J. An, J. B. Xu. Probing the thermal decomposition behaviors of ultrathin HfO2 films by an in situ high temperature scanning tunneling microscope. Nanotechnology 2011, 22,195705.
  • D. X. Xia, W. H. Zhang, F. Y. Xie, J. Chen, J. B. Xu. Reversible Ferromagnetism Study in Un-Doped ZnO Thin Films. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2011, 11, 10557-10561.
  • X. M. Wang, J. B. Xu, W. G. Xie, J. Du. Quantitative Analysis of Graphene Doping by Organic Molecular Charge Transfer. J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 7596-7602.
  • X. M. Wang, J. B. Xu, C. L. Wang, J. Du, W. G. Xie. High-Performance Graphene Devices on SiO2/Si Substrate Modified by Highly Ordered Self-Assembled Monolayers. Adv. Mater. 2011, 23, 2464.
  • M. D. Wang, F. Y. Xie, W. G. Xie, S. Z. Zheng, N. Ke, J. Chen, N. Zhao, J. B. Xu. Device lifetime improvement of polymer-based bulk heterojunction solar cells by incorporating copper oxide layer at Al cathode. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2011, 98,183304.
  • M. D. Wang, F. Y. Xie, J. Du, Q. Tang, S. Z. Zheng, Q. Miao, J. Chen, N. Zhao, J. B. Xu. Degradation mechanism of organic solar cells with aluminum cathode. Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. C. 2011, 95, 3303-3310.
  • C. L. Wang, X. M. Wang, J. Min, N. Zhao, J. B. Xu. Super-linear rectifying property of rubrene single crystal devices. Organ. Electron. 2011, 12, 1731-1735.
  • C. L. Wang, Z. X. Liang, Y. L. Liu, X. M. Wang, N. Zhao, Q. Miao, W. P. Hu, J. B. Xu. Single crystal n-channel field effect transistors from solution-processed silylethynylated tetraazapentacene. J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 15201-15204.
  • H. Tang, F. Yan, P. Lin, J. B. Xu, H. L. W. Chan. Highly Sensitive Glucose Biosensors Based on Organic Electrochemical Transistors Using Platinum Gate Electrodes Modified with Enzyme and Nanomaterials. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2011, 21, 2264-2272.
  • Y. R. Su, C. L. Wang, W. G. Xie, F. Y. Xie, J. Chen, N. Zhao, J. B. Xu. Low-Voltage Organic Field-Effect Transistors (OFETs) with Solution-Processed Metal-Oxide as Gate Dielectric. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2011, 3, 4662-4667.
  • Y. P. Liu, Y. Guo, J. Q. Li, M. Trunk, A. Y. Kuznetsov, J. B. Xu, Z. X. Mei, X. L. Du. Temperature dependence of surface plasmon mediated near band-edge emission from Ag/ZnO nanorods. Journal of Optics 2011, 13,075003.
  • Z. X. Liang, Q. Tang, J. B. Xu, Q. A. Miao. Soluble and Stable N-Heteropentacenes with High Field-Effect Mobility. Adv. Mater. 2011, 23, 1535-1539.
  • Z. X. Liang, Q. Tang, R. X. Mao, D. Q. Liu, J. B. Xu, Q. Miao. The Position of Nitrogen in N-Heteropentacenes Matters. Adv. Mater. 2011, 23, 5514.
  • W. B. Li, D. Y. Zhai, L. J. Pan, L. Pu, J. B. Xu, Y. Shi. Synthesis of Multishell Carbon Nanotube Composites via Template Method. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 2011, 24, 206-210.
  • V. A. Gritsenko, V. A. Nadolinny, K. S. Zhuravlev, J. B. Xu, H. Wong. Quantum confinement and electron spin resonance characteristics in Si-implanted silicon oxide films. J. Appl. Phys. 2011, 109,084502.
  • J. An, K. Xue, W. G. Xie, Q. A. Li, J. B. Xu. Effects of an oxygen environment on the electrical properties of a single CdS nanobelt device. Nanotechnology 2011, 22,135702.

  • W. G. Xie, J. B. Xu, J. An, K. Xue. Correlation between Molecular Packing and Surface Potential at Vanadyl Phthalocyanine/HOPG Interface. J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 19044-19047.
  • D. X. Xia, J. B. Xu. High mobility and low operating voltage ZnGaO and ZnGaLiO transistors with spin-coated Al2O3 as gate dielectric. J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 2010, 43,442001.
  • X. F. Wang, F. Q. Song, Q. Chen, T. Y. Wang, J. L. Wang, P. Liu, M. R. Shen, J. G. Wan, G. H. Wang, J. B. Xu. Scaling Dopant States in a Semiconducting Nanostructure by Chemically Resolved Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy: A Case Study on Co-Doped ZnO. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 6492-6497.
  • M. D. Wang, Q. Tang, J. An, F. Y. Xie, J. A. Chen, S. Z. Zheng, K. Y. Wong, Q. A. Miao, J. B. Xu. Performance and Stability Improvement of P3HT:PCBM-Based Solar Cells by Thermally Evaporated Chromium Oxide (CrOx) Interfacial Layer. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2010, 2, 2699-2702.
  • X. Q. Tian, J. B. Xu, W. G. Xie. Controllable Modulation of the Electronic Structure of ZnO(10(1)over-bar0) Surface by Carboxylic Acids. J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 3973-3980.
  • X. Q. Tian, J. B. Xu, X. M. Wang. Band Gap Opening of Bilayer Graphene by F4-TCNQ Molecular Doping and Externally Applied Electric Field. J. Phys. Chem. B 2010, 114, 11377-11381.
  • X. Q. Tian, J. B. Xu, X. M. Wang. Self-Assembly of PTCDA Ultrathin Films on Graphene: Structural Phase Transition and Charge Transfer Saturation. J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 20917-20924.
  • Q. Tang, Z. X. Liang, J. Liu, J. B. Xu, Q. Miao. N-heteroquinones: quadruple weak hydrogen bonds and n-channel transistors. Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 2977-2979.
  • L. J. Pan, H. Qiu, C. M. Dou, Y. Li, L. Pu, J. B. Xu, Y. Shi. Conducting Polymer Nanostructures: Template Synthesis and Applications in Energy Storage. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2010, 11, 2636-2657.
  • Z. F. Li, J. Du, Q. Tang, F. Wang, J. B. Xu, J. C. Yu, Q. A. Miao. Induced Crystallization of Rubrene in Thin-Film Transistors. Adv. Mater. 2010, 22, 3242.
  • Y. Li, D. F. Qiu, L. Q. Cao, C. X. Shao, L. J. Pan, L. Pu, J. B. Xu, Y. Shi. Electrical switching behavior from ultrathin potential barrier of self-assembly molecules tuned by interfacial charge trapping. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2010, 96,133303,.
  • C. Y. Chan, J. B. Xu, M. Y. Waye, H. C. Ong. Angle resolved surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) on two-dimensional metallic arrays with different hole sizes. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2010, 96,033104.

  • Z. H. Zhang, X. F. Wang, J. B. Xu, S. Muller, C. Ronning, Q. Li. Evidence of intrinsic ferromagnetism in individual dilute magnetic semiconducting nanostructures. Nat. Nanotechnol. 2009, 4, 523-527.
  • W. G. Xie, F. Y. Xie, X. L. Yu, K. Xue, J. B. Xu, J. Chen, R. Zhang. Co doped ZnO(0001)-Zn by diffusion method and its magnetic properties. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009, 95,262506.
  • L. Wang, P. K. Chu, K. Xue, J. B. Xu. In situ characterization of initial growth of HfO2. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009, 94,032904.
  • Q. Tang, D. Q. Zhang, S. L. Wang, N. Ke, J. B. Xu, J. C. Yu, Q. Miao. A Meaningful Analogue of Pentacene: Charge Transport, Polymorphs, and Electronic Structures of Dihydrodiazapentacene. Chem. Mater. 2009, 21, 1400-1405.
  • P. Liu, C. X. Wang, J. Chen, N. S. Xu, G. W. Yang, N. Ke, J. B. Xu. Localized Nanodiamond Crystallization and Field Emission Performance Improvement of Amorphous Carbon upon Laser Irradiation in Liquid. J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 12154-12161.
  • J. Li, J. B. Xu, H. C. Ong. Hole size dependence of forward emission from organic dyes coated with two-dimensional metallic arrays. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009, 94,183112.
  • J. Li, H. Iu, D. Y. Lei, J. T. K. Wan, J. B. Xu, H. P. Ho, M. Y. Waye, H. C. Ong. Dependence of surface plasmon lifetimes on the hole size in two-dimensional metallic arrays. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009, 94,241114.
  • K. C. Hui, J. T. K. Wan, J. B. Xu, H. C. Ong. Dependence of anisotropic surface plasmon lifetimes of two-dimensional hole arrays on hole geometry. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009, 95,063110.
  • J. Gao, K. Asadi, J. B. Xu, J. An. Controlling of the surface energy of the gate dielectric in organic field-effect transistors by polymer blend. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009, 94,093302.
  • X. D. Ding, J. An, J. B. Xu, C. Li, R. Y. Zeng. Improving lateral resolution of electrostatic force microscopy by multifrequency method under ambient conditions. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009, 94,223109.

  • W. Zhao, Q. Tang, H. S. Chan, J. B. Xu, K. Y. Lo, Q. Miao. Transistors from a conjugated macrocycle molecule: field and photo effects. Chem. Commun. 2008, 4324-4326.
  • X. F. Wang, R. K. Zheng, Z. W. Liu, H. P. Ho, J. B. Xu, S. P. Ringer. Structural, optical and magnetic properties of Co-doped ZnO nanorods with hidden secondary phases. Nanotechnology 2008, 19,455702.
  • H. Wang, H. P. Ho, J. B. Xu. Photoelectron spectroscopic investigation of nitrogen chemical states in ZnO: (N,Ga) thin films. J. Appl. Phys. 2008, 103,103704.
  • B. Liu, R. Zhang, Z. L. Xie, Q. J. Liu, Z. Zhang, Y. Li, X. Q. Xiu, J. Yao, Q. Mei, H. Zhao, P. Han, H. Lu, P. Chen, S. L. Gu, Y. Shi, Y. D. Zheng, W. Y. Cheung, N. Ke, J. B. Xu. Al incorporation, structural and optical properties of AlxGa1-xN (0.13 <= x <= 0.8) alloys grown by MOCVD. J. Cryst. Growth 2008, 310, 4499-4502.

  • X. J. Yu, J. B. Xu, W. Y. Cheung, N. Ke. Optimizing the growth of vanadyl-phthalocyanine thin films for high-mobility organic thin-film transistors. J. Appl. Phys. 2007, 102,103711.
  • K. Xue, J. B. Xu, H. P. Ho. Nanoscale in situ investigation of ultrathin silicon oxide thermal decomposition by high temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. Nanotechnology 2007, 18,485709.
  • K. Xue, H. P. Ho, J. B. Xu, R. Z. Wang. Electron interferometry in the proximity of amorphous ultrathin SiO2/Si. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007, 90,182108.
  • K. Xue, H. P. Ho, J. B. Xu. Local study of thickness-dependent electronic properties of ultrathin silicon oxide near SiO2/Si interface. J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 2007, 40, 2886-2893.
  • X. F. Wang, J. B. Xu, X. J. Yu, K. Xue, J. G. Yu, X. J. Zhao. Structural evidence of secondary phase segregation from the Raman vibrational modes in Zn1-xCoxO (0 < x < 0.6). Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007, 91,031908.
  • X. F. Wang, J. B. Xu, W. Y. Cheung, J. An, N. Ke. Aggregation-based growth and magnetic properties of inhomogeneous Cu-doped ZnO nanocrystals. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007, 90,212502.
  • L. Wang, K. Xue, J. B. Xu, A. P. Huang, P. K. Chu. Effects of plasma immersion ion nitridation on dielectric properties of HfO2. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007, 90,122901.
  • D. Y. Lu, J. Chen, J. Zhou, S. Z. Deng, N. S. Xu, J. B. Xu. Raman spectroscopic study of oxidation and phase transition in W18O49 nanowires. J. Raman. Spectrosc. 2007, 38, 176-180.
  • J. Gao, J. B. Xu, M. Zhu, N. Ke, D. Ma. Thickness dependence of mobility in CuPc thin film on amorphous SiO2 substrate. J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 2007, 40, 5666-5669.

  • X. F. Wang, J. B. Xu, B. Zhang, H. G. Yu, J. Wang, X. X. Zhang, J. G. Yu, Q. Li. Signature of intrinsic high-temperature ferromagnetism in cobalt-doped zinc oxide nanocrystals. Adv. Mater. 2006, 18, 2476.
  • X. F. Wang, J. B. Xu, N. Ke, J. G. Yu, J. Wang, Q. Li, H. C. Ong, R. Zhang. Imperfect oriented attachment: Direct activation of high-temperature ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductor nanocrystals. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2006, 88,223108.
  • L. Wang, K. Xue, J. B. Xu, A. P. Huang, P. K. Chu. Control of interfacial silicate between HfO2 and Si by high concentration ozone. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2006, 88,072903.
  • D. Y. Wang, W. L. Li, B. Chu, C. J. Liang, Z. R. Hong, M. T. Li, H. Z. Wei, Q. Xin, J. H. Niu, J. B. Xu. Effect of exciplex formation on organic light emitting diodes based on rare-earth complex. J. Appl. Phys. 2006, 100.026103.
  • S. W. Tsang, S. K. So, J. B. Xu. Application of admittance spectroscopy to evaluate carrier mobility in organic charge transport materials. J. Appl. Phys. 2006, 99,013706.
  • H. C. Ong, W. H. Wei, J. An, R. Wang, J. B. Xu, J. Y. Dai. Light emission and charge transport studies on ZnO heterostructures - art. no. 612209. Zinc Oxide Materials and Devices 2006, 6122, 12209-12209.
  • W. H. Ni, J. An, C. W. Lai, H. C. Ong, J. B. Xu. Emission enhancement from metallodielectric-capped ZnO films. J. Appl. Phys. 2006, 100,024506.
  • A. P. Huang, L. Wang, J. B. Xu, P. K. Chu. Plasma-nitrided high-k polycrystalline nano-array induced by electron irradiation. Nanotechnology 2006, 17, 4379-4383.
  • A. P. Huang, P. K. Chu, L. Wang, W. Y. Cheung, J. B. Xu, S. P. Wong. Fabrication of rutile TiO2 thin films by low-temperature, bias-assisted cathodic arc deposition and their dielectric properties. J. Mater. Res. 2006, 21, 844-850.

  • M. K. Zhu, L. Y. Liu, Y. D. Hou, Y. Hui, J. B. Xu, M. M. Shao, X. Y. Chen. Effects of sputtering pressure on compositions and structures of fresnoite thin films. Physica B-Condensed Matter 2005, 355, 100-105.
  • M. K. Zhu, W. K. Dai, Y. D. Hou, H. Yan, J. B. Xu. Microstructure control of sputtered Ba2TiSi2O8 films by sol-gel-derived underlayer. J. Cryst. Growth 2005, 285, 117-122.
  • Y. H. Yang, C. X. Wang, B. Wang, Z. Y. Li, J. Chen, D. H. Chen, N. S. Xu, G. W. Yang, J. B. Xu. Radial ZnO nanowire nucleation on amorphous carbons. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2005, 87,183109.
  • K. Xue, J. B. Xu, L. Xi, J. An, J. Chen. In situ fabrication and characterization of tungsten nanodots on SiO2/Si via field induced nanocontact with a scanning tunnelling microscope. Nanotechnology 2005, 16, 2993-3000.
  • M. S. Xu, J. B. Xu, J. An. Visualization of thermally activated morphology evolution of N,N'-di(naphthalene-1-yl)-N,N'-diphthalbenzidine films on ITO/copper phthalocyanine underlying layer. Appl. Phys. A-mater. 2005, 81, 1151-1156.
  • M. S. Xu, J. B. Xu. Visualization of thermally-activated degradation pathways of tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum thin films for electroluminescence application. Thin Solid Films 2005, 491, 317-322.
  • R. Z. Wang, X. M. Ding, B. Wang, K. Xue, J. B. Xu, H. Yan, X. Y. Hou. Structural enhancement mechanism of field emission from multilayer semiconductor films. Phys. Rev. B 2005, 72,125310.
  • K. C. Hui, J. An, X. Y. Zhang, J. B. Xu, J. Y. Dai, H. C. Ong. Electron beam induced light emission and charge conduction patterning in ZnO by using an AlOx layer. Adv. Mater. 2005, 17, 1960.
  • A. P. Huang, R. K. Y. Fu, P. K. Chu, L. Wang, W. Y. Cheung, J. B. Xu, S. P. Wong. Plasma nitridation and microstructure of high-k ZrO2 thin films fabricated by cathodic arc deposition. J. Cryst. Growth 2005, 277, 422-427.
  • J. Chen, K. Xue, J. An, S. W. Tsang, N. Ke, J. B. Xu, Q. Li, C. R. Wang. Photoelectric effect and transport properties of a single CdS nanoribbon. Ultramicroscopy 2005, 105, 275-280.
  • J. Chen, J. B. Xu, K. Xue, J. An, N. Ke, W. Cao, H. B. Xia, J. Shi, D. C. Tian. Nanoscale structural characteristics and electron field emission properties of transition metal-fullerene compound TiC60 films. Microelectron. Reliab 2005, 45, 137-142.

  • M. S. Xu, J. B. Xu, H. Z. Chen, M. Wang. Nanoscale investigation of moisture-induced degradation mechanisms of tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminium-based organic light-emitting diodes. J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 2004, 37, 2618-2622.
  • M. S. Xu, J. B. Xu. Real-time visualization of thermally activated degradation of the ITO/CuPC/NPB/Alq(3) stack used in one of the organic light-emitting diodes. J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 2004, 37, 1603-1608.
  • M. S. Xu, J. B. Xu. Nanoscale study on origins of the bright clusters in/on moisture-exposed tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum thin films. Synthetic. Met. 2004, 145, 177-182.
  • D. Mo, Y. Liu, G. D. Hu, J. B. Xu. Ellipsometric spectra and optical properties of anisotropic SrBi2Ta2O9 films. Chinese. Phys. Lett. 2004, 21, 266-268.

  • M. S. Xu, J. B. Xu, E. Z. Luo, Z. Xie. Nanoscale investigation on nature of dark hole in moisture-exposed tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum thin films. Chem. Phys. Lett. 2003, 374, 656-660.
  • M. S. Xu, J. B. Xu, J. An. Real-time visualization of morphological evolution of N,N '-di(naphthalene-1-yl)-N,N '-diphthalbenzidine thin films: Variable temperature atomic force microscopy study. Asianano 2002, Proceedings 2003, 351-356.
  • Z. Xie, E. Z. Luo, J. B. Xu, J. An, B. Sundaravel, I. H. Wilson, Z. Y. Wang, X. L. Chen, L. H. Zhao. Studies of the effects of ion irradiation on ferroelectric domains of triglycine sulfate single crystals on a nanometer scale. Phys. Lett. A 2003, 309, 121-125.
  • J. K. N. Lindner, W. M. Tsang, S. P. Wong, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. XTEM characterization of tungsten implanted SiC thin films on silicon for field emission devices. Thin Solid Films 2003, 427, 417-421.
  • V. A. Gritsenko, H. Wong, W. M. Kwok, J. B. Xu. Bonding and band offset in N2O-grown oxynitride. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 2003, 21, 241-245.
  • K. W. Chen, Y. H. Yu, E. Z. Luo, Z. Xie, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, W. Y. Bishop, D. S. Shen. Characterization of nano-sized Si islands in buried oxide layer of SIMOX by Conducting AFM. Chem. Phys. Lett. 2003, 376, 748-752.
  • D. H. Chen, S. P. Wong, W. Y. Cheung, J. B. Xu. Influence of surface morphology on the field emission properties of planar SiC/Si heterostructures formed by ion beam synthesis. Solid State Commun. 2003, 128, 435-439.

  • M. S. Xu, J. B. Xu, K. Xue, J. An, J. Z. He, I. H. Wilson. Variable-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and scanning tunneling spectroscopy study on copper phthalocyanine ultrathin films on a Au(111) surface. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2002, 2, 139-142.
  • M. S. Xu, J. B. Xu, M. Wang, D. L. Que. Optical and xerographic properties of phthalocyanine codeposited composite film and ultrathin multilayered structure. J. Appl. Phys. 2002, 91, 748-752.
  • M. S. Xu, J. B. Xu, J. An. Real-time visualization of morphological evolution of N, N '-di(naphthalene-1-y1)-N, N '-diphthalbenzidine thin films: Variable temperature atomic force microscopy study. International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol 1, Nos 5 and 6 2002, 1, 725-730.
  • J. B. Xu, G. D. Hu, S. P. Wong. Structural inhomogeneity of SrBi(2)Ta(2)O(9)Thin films prepared by layer-by-layer technique. Ferroelectric Thin Films X 2002, 688, 85-88.
  • J. Xu, X. H. Huang, W. Li, L. Wang, K. J. Chen, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Very low threshold electron field emission from amorphous carbon films with hydrogen dilution. Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 2002, 16, 988-992.
  • J. Xu, X. H. Huang, W. Li, K. J. Chen, J. B. Xu. Stable field emission with low threshold field from amorphous carbon films due to layer-by-layer hydrogen plasma annealing. J. Appl. Phys. 2002, 91, 5434-5437.
  • J. Wang, E. Z. Luo, K. H. Wong, H. L. W. Chan, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, C. L. Choy. Ferroelectric domain configuration and piezoelectric responses in (001)-oriented PMN-PT films. Mater. Charact. 2002, 48, 215-220.
  • H. Wang, S. P. Wong, W. Y. Cheung, N. Ke, J. B. Xu, W. Q. Li. Study on microstructure and magnetic domain structure in sputtered (Ni(6)6Fe(22)Co(12))(x)C1-x nanocomposite films. J. Mater. Sci-mater. El 2002, 13, 419-424.
  • H. Wang, W. Q. Li, S. P. Wong, W. Y. Cheung, N. Ke, J. B. Xu, X. Lu, X. Yan. Magnetic force microscopy study of domain structures in magnetoresistance (Ni74Fe16Co10)(x)Ag1-x granular films. Mater. Charact. 2002, 48, 153-158.
  • B. Wang, K. W. Kwok, H. L. W. Chan, C. L. Choy, K. Y. Tong, E. Z. Luo, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Study of polarization switching in PZT films with RuO2 electrodes by conducting atomic force microscopy. Mater. Charact. 2002, 48, 249-253.
  • R. Venugopal, B. Sundaravel, I. H. Wilson, J. B. Xu. Scaling analysis of Fe-implanted Ge surfaces using atomic force microscopy. Mater. Charact. 2002, 48, 241-247.
  • B. Sundaravel, I. H. Wilson, E. Z. Luo, J. B. Xu, H. W. Yeung, H. Li, C. F. Yeung, J. R. Sun, H. K. Wong. Resonant Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and channeling studies on the effect of annealing of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 epilayers grown on SrTiO3(001) substrates using a facing-target sputtering technique. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 2002, 188, 84-89.
  • T. B. Ng, J. B. Xu, G. D. Hu, W. Y. Cheung, N. Ke, I. H. Wilson. Synthesis and characterization of SrTiO3 thin films by a modified metalorganic decomposition technique. 2002 Ieee Hong Kong Electron Devices Meeting, Proceedings 2002, 15-19.
  • E. Z. Luo, S. Lin, Z. Xie, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, Y. H. Yu, L. J. Yu, X. Wang. Studying the high-field electron conduction of tetrahedral amorphous carbon thin films by conducting atomic force microscopy. Mater. Charact. 2002, 48, 205-210.
  • H. L. Kwok, J. B. Xu. A model for exciton formation in organic electroluminescent devices. Solid State Electron 2002, 46, 645-650.
  • G. D. Hu, T. G. Tang, J. B. Xu. Tip effects of piezoelectric-mode atomic force microscope for local piezoelectric measurements of an SrBi2Ta2O9 thin film. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers 2002, 41, 6793-6796.
  • G. D. Hu, T. G. Tang, J. B. Xu. Preparation of (100)-oriented LaNiO3 oxide electrodes for SrBi2Ta2O9-based ferroelectric capacitors. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers 2002, 41, 6877-6881.
  • J. Z. He, J. B. Xu, M. S. Xu, Z. Xie, I. H. Wilson, X. L. Ma, Q. Li, N. Wang, L. S. Hung, C. S. Lee, S. T. Lee. Dispersion, refinement, and manipulation of single silicon nanowires. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2002, 80, 1812-1814.
  • J. Z. He, J. B. Xu, Z. Xie, M. F. Chiah, N. Ke, W. Y. Cheung, I. H. Wilson, X. L. Ma, Y. H. Tang, N. Wang, C. S. Lee, S. T. Lee. Sample refinement and manipulation of silicon nanowires - A step towards single wire characterization. Mater. Charact. 2002, 48, 177-181.
  • H. Y. Guo, J. B. Xu, Z. Xie, E. Z. Luo, I. H. Wilson, W. L. Zhong. Ferroelectric relaxation of (Pb0.76Ca0.24)TiO3 thin film. Solid State Commun. 2002, 121, 603-607.
  • H. Y. Guo, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, Z. Xie, E. Z. Luo, S. B. Hong, H. Yan. Study of domain stability on (Pb0.76Ca0.24)TiO3 thin films using piezoresponse microscopy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2002, 81, 715-717.
  • H. Y. Guo, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, Z. Xie, E. Z. Luo. Study of microscopic piezoelectricity of (Pb0.76Ca0.24)TiO3 thin films. Phys. Lett. A 2002, 294, 217-221.
  • V. A. Gritsenko, R. W. M. Kwok, H. Wong, J. B. Xu. Short-range order in non-stoichiometric amorphous silicon oxynitride and silicon-rich nitride. J. Non-cryst. Solids. 2002, 297, 96-101.
  • W. K. Fong, C. F. Zhu, B. H. Leung, C. Surya, B. Sundaravel, E. Z. Luo, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Characterizations of GaN films grown with indium surfactant by RF-plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Microelectron. Reliab 2002, 42, 1179-1184.
  • A. K. Das, B. N. Dev, B. Sundaravel, E. Z. Luo, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Self-assembled growth of nanostructural Ge islands on bromine-passivated Si(111) surfaces at room temperature. Pramana-j. Phys. 2002, 59, 133-142.

  • H. Y. Zhang, C. Y. Wu, L. Z. Liang, Y. Y. He, Y. J. Zhu, Y. M. Chen, N. Ke, J. B. Xu, S. P. Wong, A. X. Wei, S. Q. Peng. Morphology and characteristics of C-60 thin films grown in argon atmosphere by thermal evaporation. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 2001, 19, 1018-1021.
  • H. Y. Zhang, C. Y. Wu, L. Z. Liang, Y. M. Chen, Y. Y. He, Y. J. Zhu, N. Ke, J. B. Xu, S. P. Wong, A. X. Wei, S. Q. Peng. Structural, morphological and optical properties of C-60 cluster thin films produced by thermal evaporation under argon gas. J. Phys-condens. Mat. 2001, 13, 2883-2889.
  • M. S. Xu, J. B. Xu, D. X. Tian, Z. G. Ji, H. Z. Chen, M. Wang, D. L. Que. Alternate heteroepitaxial growth of chloroindium phthalocyanine and chloroaluminum phthalocyanine ultrathin multilayered structure and its xerographic and optical properties. Thin Solid Films 2001, 384, 109-114.
  • M. S. Xu, J. B. Xu, W. Y. Cheung. Negative differential capacitance in copper phthalocyanine organic devices. Proceedings 2001 Ieee Hong Kong Electron Devices Meeting 2001, 122-125.
  • J. Xu, X. H. Huang, W. Li, L. Wang, X. F. Huang, K. J. Chen, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Vacuum electron emission with low turn-on electric field from hydrogenated amorphous carbon thin films. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2001, 79, 141-143.
  • A. C. H. Ng, J. Xu, J. B. Xu, W. Y. Cheung. Annealing effects on ultrathin MOS capacitors. Proceedings 2001 Ieee Hong Kong Electron Devices Meeting 2001, 101-105.
  • D. Mo, J. B. Xu, Y. Liu, G. D. Hu. Ellipsometric study of optical properties of oriented SBT thin films. Ferroelectrics 2001, 264, 1901-1906.
  • E. Z. Luo, S. K. Wong, A. B. Pakhomov, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, C. Y. Wong. Tunneling current and thickness inhomogeneities of ultrathin aluminum oxide films in magnetic tunneling junctions. J. Appl. Phys. 2001, 90, 5202-5207.
  • Y. M. Lei, Y. H. Yu, L. L. Cheng, L. Lin, B. Sundaraval, E. Z. Luo, S. Lin, C. X. Ren, W. Y. Cheung, S. P. Wong, J. B. Xu, S. C. Zou, I. H. Wilson. Structural and optical properties of SiC films deposited on Si by DG magnetron sputtering. Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, Ecscrm2000 2001, 353-356, 191-194.
  • H. Y. Guo, I. H. Wilson, J. B. Xu, E. Z. Luo, W. Y. Cheung, N. Ke, B. Sundaral. Aging effect on the ferroelectric property of YMnO3 thin film. Ferroelectrics 2001, 259, 181-185.
  • H. Y. Guo, I. H. Wilson, J. B. Xu, W. Y. Cheung, N. Ke, B. Sundaral, E. Z. Luo, J. Lin, J. Yu. Preparation and characterization of ferroelectric YMnO3 thin film. Proceedings of the 2001 12th Ieee International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, Vols I and Ii 2001, 657-659.
  • H. Y. Guo, I. H. Wilson, J. B. Xu. Preparation and characterization of piezoelectric (Pb.76Ca.24)TiO3 films. Proceedings 2001 Ieee Hong Kong Electron Devices Meeting 2001, 68-70.
  • Y. M. Fung, W. Y. Cheung, I. H. Wilson, D. H. Chen, J. B. Xu, S. P. Wong, R. W. M. Kwok. Electron field emission characteristics of textured silicon surface. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 2001, 19, 884-887.

  • Y. H. Yu, Z. Y. Chen, E. Z. Luo, W. Y. Cheung, J. P. Zhao, X. Wang, J. B. Xu, S. P. Wong, I. H. Wilson. Optical and electrical properties of nitrogen incorporated amorphous carbon films. J. Appl. Phys. 2000, 87, 2874-2879.
  • Z. Xie, E. Z. Luo, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, L. H. Zhao, X. X. Zhang. Construction and characterization of a heating stage for a scanning probe microscope up to 215 degrees C. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2000, 71, 2100-2103.
  • Z. Xie, E. Z. Luo, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, H. B. Peng, L. H. Zhao, B. R. Zhao. Probing local leakage current and ferroelectricity of Pb(Zr-0.53, Ti-0.47)O-3/YBa2Cu3O7-x heterostructure by a modified atomic force microscope. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2000, 76, 1923-1925.
  • S. P. Wong, M. F. Chiah, W. Y. Cheung, N. Ke, J. B. Xu, X. X. Zhang. Magnetoresistance properties of ion beam synthesized granular magnetic thin films. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 2000, 169, 166-173.
  • H. Wang, X. Lu, X. Yan, S. P. Wong, W. Y. Cheung, N. Ke, J. B. Xu, S. J. Hu, D. C. Zeng, Z. Y. Liu. Magnetic domain structures and giant magnetoresistance of granular (Ni74Fe16Co10)(35)Ag-65 films. J. Appl. Phys. 2000, 88, 4216-4220.
  • B. Sundaravel, E. Z. Luo, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, W. K. Fong, L. S. Wang, C. Surya. Ion channeling studies on mixed phases formed in metalorganic chemical vapor deposition grown Mg-doped GaN on Al2O3(0001). J. Appl. Phys. 2000, 87, 955-957.
  • E. Z. Luo, Z. Xie, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, L. H. Zhao. In situ observation of the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition in a triglycine sulfate single crystal by variable-temperature electrostatic force microscopy. Phys. Rev. B 2000, 61, 203-206.
  • E. Z. Luo, A. B. Pakhomov, Z. Q. Zhang, M. C. Chan, I. H. Wilson, J. B. Xu, X. Yan. Conductance distribution in granular metal films: a combined study by conducting atomic force microscopy and computer simulation. Physica. B 2000, 279, 98-101.
  • G. D. Hu, I. H. Wilson, J. B. Xu, C. P. Li, S. P. Wong. Low-temperature preparation and characterization of SrBi2Ta2O9 thin films on (100)-oriented LaNiO3 electrodes. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2000, 76, 1758-1760.
  • J. Z. He, J. B. Xu, M. S. Xu, J. Xu, C. H. Ng, J. Z. He. Direct observation of ordered structures during oxidation of Si(III). 2000 Ieee Hong Kong Electron Devices Meeting, Proceedings 2000, 30-33.
  • X. Z. Ding, B. K. Tay, X. Shi, M. F. Chiah, W. Y. Cheung, S. P. Wong, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Magnetic properties of Fe+-implanted silica films after post-implantation annealing. J. Appl. Phys. 2000, 88, 2745-2749.
  • L. L. Cheng, Y. H. Yu, B. Sundaravel, E. Z. Luo, S. Lin, Y. M. Lei, C. X. Ren, W. Y. Cheung, S. P. Wong, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Compositional and morphological study of reactive ion beam deposited AlN thin films. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 2000, 169, 94-97.
  • D. H. Chen, A. X. Wei, S. P. Wong, J. B. Xu, M. M. Wu, S. Q. Peng. Structural and optical properties of nitrogen-containing tetrahedral amorphous carbon films. Appl. Phys. A-mater. 2000, 70, 47-51.

  • Z. Xie, E. Z. Luo, H. B. Peng, B. R. Zhao, G. D. Hu, I. H. Wilson, J. B. Xu, L. H. Zhao. Studies of leakage current inhomogeneity of Pb(Zr, Ti)O-3/YBa2Cu3Ox heterostructures on a nanometer scale. J. Non-cryst. Solids. 1999, 254, 112-117.
  • W. Wu, X. F. Huang, K. J. Chen, J. B. Xu, X. Gao, J. Xu, W. Li. Room temperature visible electroluminescence in silicon nanostructures. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 1999, 17, 159-163.
  • S. P. Wong, M. F. Chiah, W. Y. Cheung, N. Ke, J. B. Xu, X. X. Zhang. GMR effect and properties of CoAg granular films formed by implantation with a metal vapor vacuum arc ion source. Advanced Hard and Soft Magnetic Materials 1999, 577, 415-420.
  • S. P. Wong, M. F. Chiah, W. Y. Cheung, N. Ke, J. B. Xu. Characterization and giant magnetoresistance effect in cobalt-silver granular films formed by MEVVA implantation. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 1999, 148, 813-818.
  • B. Sundaravel, E. Z. Luo, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Ion channeling studies on mixed phases formed in MOCVD grown Mg-doped GaN on Al2O3 (0001). 1999 Ieee Hong Kong Electron Devices Meeting, Proceedings 1999, 148-152.
  • C. S. Lee, I. H. Wilson, W. Y. Cheung, Y. J. Chen, J. B. Xu, S. P. Wong. Ion beam synthesized cobalt germanide alloy by metal vapor vacuum arc implantation. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 1999, 148, 604-609.
  • G. D. Hu, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, W. Y. Cheung, N. Ke, S. P. Wong. Effects of a Bi4Ti3O12 buffer layer on SrBi2Ta2O9 thin films prepared by the metalorganic decomposition. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1999, 74, 3711-3713.
  • G. D. Hu, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Domain imaging and local piezoelectric properties of the (200)-predominant SrBi2Ta2O9 thin film. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1999, 75, 1610-1612.
  • G. D. Hu, I. H. Wilson, J. B. Xu, W. Y. Cheung, S. P. Wong, H. K. Wong. Structure control and characterization of SrBi2Ta2O9 thin films by a modified annealing method. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1999, 74, 1221-1223.
  • G. D. Hu, I. H. Wilson, J. B. Xu, W. Y. Cheung, S. P. Wong, H. K. Wong. Structure control and characterization of SrBi2Ta2O9 thin films by a modified annealing method (vol 74, pg 1221, 1999). Appl. Phys. Lett. 1999, 75, 2151-2151.
  • V. A. Gritsenko, K. S. Zhuravlev, A. D. Milov, H. Wong, R. W. M. Kwok, J. B. Xu. Silicon dots/clusters in silicon nitride: photoluminescence and electron spin resonance. Thin Solid Films 1999, 353, 20-24.
  • V. A. Gritsenko, H. Wong, J. B. Xu, R. M. Kwok, I. P. Petrenko, B. A. Zaitsev, Y. N. Morokov, Y. N. Novikov. Excess silicon at the silicon nitride/thermal oxide interface in oxide-nitride-oxide structures. J. Appl. Phys. 1999, 86, 3234-3240.
  • V. A. Gritsenko, S. N. Svitasheva, I. P. Petrenko, H. Wong, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Study of excess silicon at Si3N4 thermal SiO2 interface using ellipsometric measurements. J. Electrochem. Soc. 1999, 146, 780-785.
  • X. Z. Ding, M. F. Chiah, W. Y. Cheung, S. P. Wong, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, H. M. Wang, L. Z. Chen, X. H. Liu. Aggregation and out diffusion of iron atoms for Fe ion implanted silica films. J. Appl. Phys. 1999, 86, 2550-2554.
  • W. H. Choy, R. W. M. Kwok, B. K. L. So, G. K. C. Hui, Y. J. Chen, J. B. Xu, S. P. Wong, W. M. Lau. Surface roughness and oxide contents of gas-phase and solution-phase polysulfide passivation of III-V surfaces. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 1999, 17, 93-96.
  • Z. Y. Chen, Y. H. Yu, J. P. Zhao, S. Q. Yang, T. S. Shi, X. H. Liu, E. Z. Luo, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Electrical properties of nitrogen incorporated tetrahedral amorphous carbon films. Thin Solid Films 1999, 339, 74-77.
  • D. H. Chen, A. X. Wei, S. P. Wong, S. Q. Peng, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Synthesis and microstructural properties of tetrahedral amorphous carbon films. J. Non-cryst. Solids. 1999, 254, 161-166.
  • D. H. Chen, W. Y. Cheung, S. P. Wong, Y. M. Fung, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, R. W. M. Kwok. Field emission characteristics of SiC capped Si tip array by ion beam synthesis. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 1999, 17, 2109-2112.

  • W. Wu, X. F. Huang, K. J. Chen, J. B. Xu, X. Gao, J. Xu, W. Li. Room temperature visible photoluminescence from crystallized nano-Si thin films. J. Non-cryst. Solids. 1998, 227, 1045-1048.
  • W. Wu, D. H. Chen, J. B. Xu, W. Y. Cheung, S. P. Wong, I. H. Wilson, R. W. M. Kwok. Atomic force microscopy study of microcrystalline SiC fabricated by ion beam synthesis. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 1998, 16, 968-973.
  • W. Wu, D. H. Chen, W. W. Cheung, J. B. Xu, S. P. Wong, R. W. M. Kwok, I. H. Wilson. Crystallization of ion-beam-synthesized SiC layer by thermal annealing. Appl. Phys. A-mater. 1998, 66, S539-S543.
  • J. M. Mao, J. B. Xu, Q. C. Peng, S. P. Wong, I. H. Wilson. Electrical properties of CoSi2 precipitates in cobalt-implanted silicon: a conducting atomic force microscopy study. J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 1998, 17, 219-222.
  • J. M. Mao, I. K. Sou, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Electroluminescence from ZnSTe : Al alloy and an investigation of local current distributions by conducting atomic force microscopy. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 1998, 16, 14-18.
  • E. Z. Luo, J. B. Xu, W. Wu, I. H. Wilson, B. Zhao, X. Yan. Identifying conducting phase from the insulating matrix in percolating metal-insulator nanocomposites by conducting atomic force microscopy. Appl. Phys. A-mater. 1998, 66, S1171-S1174.
  • E. Z. Luo, I. H. Wilson, X. Yan, J. B. Xu. Probing electron conduction at the microscopic level in percolating nanocomposites by conducting atomic-force microscopy. Phys. Rev. B 1998, 57, 15120-15123.
  • E. Z. Luo, I. H. Wilson, J. B. Xu, J. X. Ma, X. Yan. Probing conducting particles buried in a Ni-x(SiO2)(1-x) composite by conducting atomic force microscopy. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 1998, 16, 1953-1957.
  • V. A. Gritsenko, J. B. Xu, R. W. M. Kwok, Y. H. Ng, I. H. Wilson. Short range order and the nature of defects and traps in amorphous silicon oxynitride governed by the Mott rule. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1998, 81, 1054-1057.
  • Z. Y. Chen, J. P. Zhao, Y. H. Yu, X. Wang, S. Q. Yang, T. S. Shi, X. H. Liu, E. Z. Luo, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Influence of ion energy on the surface morphology of tetrahedral amorphous carbon films. J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 1998, 17, 335-337.
  • Z. Y. Chen, Y. H. Yu, J. P. Zhao, X. Wang, S. Q. Yang, T. S. Shi, X. H. Liu, S. P. Wong, I. H. Wilson, J. B. Xu, E. Z. Luo. Optical properties in infra-red region of nitrogen-incorporated amorphous carbon films. Diam. Relat. Mater. 1998, 7, 491-494.
  • Z. Y. Chen, Y. H. Hu, J. P. Zhao, X. Wang, S. Q. Yang, T. S. Shi, X. H. Liu, E. Z. Lou, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Surface morphology of nitrogen doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon films on silicon by atomic microscopy imaging. Mater. Lett. 1998, 34, 1-4.
  • Y. J. Chen, I. H. Wilson, J. B. Xu, L. B. Lin. An STM and atomic force microscopy study of the effects of 1.8 MeV electron bombardment on the surface of graphite. J. Mater. Sci. 1998, 33, 4657-4663.
  • Y. J. Chen, W. Y. Cheung, I. H. Wilson, N. Ke, S. P. Wong, J. B. Xu, H. Sang, G. Ni. Magnetic domain structures of Co22Ag78 granular films observed by magnetic force microscopy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1998, 72, 2472-2474.
  • D. H. Chen, S. P. Wong, W. Y. Cheung, W. Wu, E. Z. Luo, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, R. W. M. Kwok. Electron field emission from SiC/Si heterostructures synthesized by carbon implantation using a metal vapor vacuum arc ion source. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1998, 72, 1926-1928.
  • D. H. Chen, S. P. Wong, W. Y. Cheung, E. Z. Luo, W. Wu, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, R. W. M. Kwok. Field emission properties of ion beam synthesized SiC/Si heterostructures by MEVVA implantation. Materials Issues in Vacuum Microelectronics 1998, 509, 199-204.
  • S. Balakumar, J. B. Xu, G. Arunmozhi, R. Jayavel, N. Nakatani, T. Yamazaki. Atomic force microscope studies on domain dynamics in phosphate substituted triglycine sulfate single crystals: Evidence for the domain boundary motion towards negative region and holes formation at the domain boundary. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Brief Communications & Review Papers 1998, 37, 6177-6182.

  • S. P. Wong, Q. C. Peng, W. Y. Cheung, W. S. Guo, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, S. K. Hark, R. Morton, S. S. Lau. Formation and characteristics of CoSi2 layers synthesized by MEVVA implantation. Microstructure Evolution during Irradiation 1997, 439, 239-244.
  • S. P. Wong, Q. C. Peng, W. Y. Cheung, W. S. Guo, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, S. K. Hark, R. Morton, S. S. Lau. Formation and characteristics of CoSi2 layers synthesized by MEVVA implantation. Materials Modification and Synthesis by Ion Beam Processing 1997, 438, 307-312.
  • I. H. Wilson, Y. J. Chen, J. B. Xu. Single ion impacts on an In0.22Ga0.78As/GaAs(100) surface observed by atomic force microscopy. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 1997, 124, 500-505.
  • Y. Wang, Y. N. Sheng, W. K. Ge, J. N. Wang, L. L. Chang, J. Xie, J. X. Ma, J. B. Xu. Morphology of MBE grown InAs films studied by atomic force microscope. J. Cryst. Growth 1997, 175, 1289-1293.
  • E. Z. Luo, I. H. Wilson, J. B. Xu, J. X. Ma. ''Resonant conducting'' in nano-patterning the hydrogen-passivated Si(100) by atomic force microscopy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1997, 71, 2035-2037.
  • K. M. Lui, K. P. Chik, J. B. Xu. Epitaxial regrowth of Ge films on (001) GaAs by in situ thermal pulse annealing of evaporated amorphous germanium. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1997, 70, 865-867.
  • K. M. Lui, K. P. Chik, J. B. Xu. Dendritic crystallization of amorphous germanium by in situ thermal pulse annealing. J. Appl. Phys. 1997, 81, 7757-7763.
  • Y. J. Chen, I. H. Wilson, L. Libin, J. B. Xu. 1.8 MeV electron bombardment induced structural changes on graphite surfaces observed by scanning tunnelling microscopy. Microstructure Evolution during Irradiation 1997, 439, 703-708
  • Y. J. Chen, I. H. Wilson, C. S. Lee, J. B. Xu, M. L. Yu. Tip artifacts in atomic force microscope imaging of ion bombarded nanostructures on germanium surfaces. J. Appl. Phys. 1997, 82, 5859-5861.
  • Y. J. Chen, I. H. Wilson, W. Y. Cheung, J. B. Xu, S. P. Wong. Ion implanted nanostructures on Ge(111) surfaces observed by atomic force microscopy. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 1997, 15, 809-813.
  • Y. J. Chen, W. Y. Cheung, I. H. Wilson, S. P. Wong, J. B. Xu. A study of ion-bombarded nanostructures on germanium surfaces by scanning probe microscopy. Thin Solid Films 1997, 308, 415-419.
  • S. Balakumar, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, G. Arunmozhi, N. Nakatani, T. Yamazaki. Domain structure investigations of triglycine sulfo-phosphate single crystal: Evidence of domain motion with time at room temperature. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers 1997, 36, 4377-4381.
  • S. Balakumar, J. B. Xu, J. X. Ma, S. Ganesamoorthy, I. H. Wilson. Surface morphology of ferroelectric domains in BaTiO3 single crystals: An atomic force microscope study. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers 1997, 36, 5566-5569.

  • I. H. Wilson, J. B. Xu, R. A. B. Devine, R. P. Webb. Energetic ion impacts on quartz surfaces: A study by atomic force microscopy. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 1996, 118, 473-477.
  • I. H. Wilson, Y. J. Chen, J. B. Xu, R. A. B. Devine, C. Jeynes. Ion impacts and nanostructures on Ge(111), In0.22Ga0.78As/GaAs(100) and alpha quartz surfaces observed by atomic force microscopy. Surf. Interface. Anal. 1996, 24, 881-886.
  • Q. C. Peng, S. P. Wong, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. AFM study of surface morphology of high dose Co implanted Si with a MEVVA ion source. Ion-Solid Interactions for Materials Modification and Processing 1996, 396, 763-768.
  • E. Z. Luo, J. X. Ma, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, A. B. Pakhomov, X. Yan. Probing the conducting paths in a metal-insulator composite by conducting atomic force microscopy. J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 1996, 29, 3169-3172.
  • C. C. Hsu, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Surface morphology of metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy grown InAs and InGaAs observed by atomic force microscopy. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 1996, 14, 1105-1108.
  • R. A. B. Devine, D. Mathiot, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, M. Gauneau, W. L. Warren. Grain boundary enhanced oxygen out-diffusion in annealed polycrystalline Si/SiO2/crystalline Si structures. Thin Solid Films 1996, 286, 317-320.

  • X. T. Zeng, H. K. Wong, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Step Flow Growth of (La,Ca)Mno-Delta Thin-Films on (110)Ndgao3. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1995, 67, 3272-3274.
  • I. H. Wilson, J. B. Xu, C. C. Hsu. The epitaxial growth of compound semiconductors observed by atomic force microscopy. Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 1995 1995, 146, 649-654.
  • C. C. Hsu, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, S. M. Wang. Surface-Morphology of Metalorganic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy-Grown Strained-Layer Inxga1-Xas on Gaas Observed by Atomic-Force Microscopy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1995, 66, 604-606.
  • R. A. B. Devine, W. L. Warren, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, P. Paillet, J. L. Leray. Oxygen Gettering and Oxide Degradation during Annealing of Si/Sio2/Si Structures. J. Appl. Phys. 1995, 77, 175-186.

  • J. B. Xu, K. Lauger, R. Moller, K. Dransfeld, I. H. Wilson. Energy-Exchange Processes by Tunneling Electrons. Appl. Phys. A-mater. 1994, 59, 155-161.
  • J. B. Xu, K. Lauger, R. Moller, K. Dransfeld, I. H. Wilson. Heat-Transfer between 2 Metallic Surfaces at Small Distances. J. Appl. Phys. 1994, 76, 7209-7216.
  • J. B. Xu, K. Lauger, K. Dransfeld, I. H. Wilson. Thermal Sensors for Investigation of Heat-Transfer in Scanning Probe Microscopy. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1994, 65, 2262-2266.
  • J. Xu, B. Koslowski, R. Moller, K. Lauger, K. Dransfeld, I. H. Wilson. Proposal to Study the Thermopower Produced by a Vacuum-Tunneling Junction. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 1994, 12, 2156-2160.
  • C. C. Hsu, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, T. G. Andersson, J. V. Thordson. Spiral Growth of Gaas by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1994, 65, 1552-1554.
  • C. C. Hsu, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Growth-Mechanism of Gaas by Metalorganic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1994, 64, 2105-2107.
  • C. C. Hsu, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Spiral Growth of Inp by Metalorganic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1994, 65, 1394-1396.
  • C. C. Hsu, Y. C. Lu, J. B. Xu, T. K. S. Wong, I. H. Wilson. Spiral Growth of Gaas by Metalorganic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 1994, 12, 2115-2117.
  • C. C. Hsu, Y. C. Lu, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson. Spiral Growth of Gaas by Metalorganic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1994, 64, 1959-1961.

  • J. Xu, R. Moller, K. Lauger, K. Dransfeld, C. C. Williams. On the Energy-Dissipation in Field-Emission and Tunneling Microscopy. Nanosources and Manipulation of Atoms under High Fields and Temperatures : Applications 1993, 235, 89-100.

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