Department of Electronic Engineering & Materials Science and Technology Research Centre home
B.S., M.S.(Nanjing University (南京大学 China)), Dr.rer.nat.( The University of Konstanz (德国康斯坦茨大学, Germany)), FHKIE, FIEEE, MAPS, MHKMRS, MHKIS, MHKPS, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Electronic Engineering (卓敏电子工程学讲座教授)

Personal Introduction

Prof. Dr. Xu received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from Nanjing University in 1983 and 1986, respectively. Since 1988, he was highly privileged to study in the University of Konstanz, particularly under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Klaus Dransfeld (Member of German National Academy of Sciences; Founding Director of Institute for High Magnetic Fields, Max-Plank Society; Former Director of Institute for Solid State Research, Max-Plank Society). His doctoral dissertation was focused on nanoscopic heat transport associated with electronic processes. He earned his doctorate (Dr.rer.nat.) in 1993. Afterwards, he joined the Department of Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has been promoted to a Professor in the department since the midst of 2002. He has been named as Choh-Ming Li Professor of Electronic Engineering since August 2022.

Prof. Dr. Xu’s research interests include nanoscience and nanotechnology for electron devices and micro/nanoelectronics, namely 2D materials and devices; scanning probe techniques for electronics; advanced energy science and technology; interface engineering for materials and devices; physics and technology of organic semiconductors; functional and electronic oxides, etc. He has published c.a. 500 papers in peer-reviewed professional journals and conferences, with c.a. 25000 SCI peer citations, and 30000 Google Scholar citations. Meanwhile, he has secured more than 50 competitive research grants. Also he actively participates in a myriad of professional activities and has served as symposium chair in several international conferences. He is a Fellow of IEEE and Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, and Member of American Physical Society. He is a recipient of Joint Research Fund for Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macau Scholars (formerly Distinguished Young Scholar Fund for Overseas Chinese), awarded by NSFC, a nationally prestigious fund; The Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) in the category of Natural Sciences (2nd Class), Ministry of Education, China; Research Excellence Award by The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Vice-Chancellor's Outstanding Fellow of Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Also he was Chang Jiang Scholar Chair Professor by Ministry of Education, China.

Prof. Dr. Jianbin Xu is evidently respected by his students and his peers for his research and mentoring as well as administrative abilities. He has supervised more than 60 PhD students and postdoctoral research associates, many of whom have moved on to successful professional careers in academia and industry, notably in the leading mainland universities and major tech companies. He is currently serving as an Editor of IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices – a flagship journal in the global electron device community, and a Member of Editorial Advisory Board of ACS Nano – a top journal in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Also he has served numerous funding agencies and award committees. He is currently a Member of RGC Engineering Panel for GRF/ECS.

许建斌博士于1983年和1986年在南京大学获得理学学士及硕士学位。其硕士论文指导教授为张淑仪院士。1988年初赴德国康斯坦茨大学(精英大学)深造,师从德国著名固体物理学和应用物理学家 Klaus Dransfeld教授(德国科学院院士),主要从事纳米科学技术研究,特别是扫描探针显微术和近场显微术及其在能量传递方面的应用。1993年夏获得德国自然科学博士。其后加盟香港中文大学电子工程系。

自2002年至今担任香港中文大学电子工程系教授,并担任 南京大学,湖南大学,华中科技大学,北京工业大学, 中科院深圳先进技术院, 暨南大学,深圳大学等客座教授。长期从事纳米科学技术,固态电子学物理及材料,以及半导体光电子器件物理的研究工作。在微纳米尺度表征,纳米热传导、MOS栅极绝缘层,氧化锌,有机半导体器件介面物理,以及石墨烯及二维电子材料制备及器件物理,新型太阳能电池等方面做出了若干有重要影响力的研究工作。已发表450 余篇学术论文 ,其中SCI收录 400余篇。迄今论文他人引用次数逾万次。

香港工程师学会(HKIE) Fellow, 美国电气暨电子工程师学会(IEEE) Fellow,美国物理学会会员。现任香港材料学会常务副理事长, Science Bulletin副主编,微电子学报编委,中国真空学会理事。在MRS、ICMAT、ChinaNano 、EDSSC等多个重要国际和国内学术会议担任顾问委员会、程序委员会委员, 或分会主席,作席邀请报告百余次。迄今担任三十余种科技期刊特约评审员,其中包括《自然》物理类子刊,JACS,《先进材料》,IEEE会刊,Nano Letters, ACS Nano等。作为首席研究员,主持并完成近六十多项香港研究资助局研究基金以及国家自然科学基金委基金等研究项目,特别是2007及2012年度国家自然科学基金会-香港研究资助局联合研究基金(合作单位:南京大学),2008年度香港研究资助局合作研究基金(CRF)等。同时,作为主要参与者之一,筹画并执行2013年度香港研究资助局主题研究基金(TRS)智慧化太阳能技术采集、存储和应用专案(基金额度逾六千万港币),以及2012年度广东省创新科研团队先进电子封装材料创新团队专案(依托单位:中科院深圳先进技术研究院, 基金额度逾五千万人民币)。

自1995年筹建并主持香港中文大学纳米技术实验室。自2007年至今出任香港中文大学材料研究中心主任,2011年至今出任工程学院纳米能源材料研究计划总招集人。于2009年度暨2012年度(延续)与南京大学施毅教授合作荣获国家自然科学基金委海外及港澳学者合作基金奖( 即原国家海外杰出青年科学基金奖)。荣获香港中文大学工程学院杰出学人,以及香港中文大学卓越研究奖。他的研究团队与他人合作,荣获国家教育部2014年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)二等奖。

  1. 新型太阳能技术, 特别是钙钛矿基太阳能电池研究与开发;
  2. 石墨烯及新型二维固态半导体电子及光电子材料与器件探讨;
  3. 有机固态半导体电子及光电子器件(如器件物理,介面改性与表征,新型器件探索);
  4. 表面等离激元光子学在半导体电子及光电子器件中的研究;
  5. 氧化物基固态半导体电子及光电子器件;
  6. 纳米技术在固态电子材料和器件中的应用(如扫描探针显微术和近场显微术, 纳米材料和器件构筑与表征);
  7. 先进电子封装技术等。

  • Basic Circuit Theory
  • Digital System and Computer Organization
  • Microelectronic Devices
  • Solid State Electronics
  • Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices
  • Advanced Topics in Solid State Technology
  • Solid State and Semiconductor Theory
  • Characterization of Semiconductors
  • Nanoelectronics
  • MOS Devices and Fabrication
  • Advanced Solid State Technology & Electronic Materials
  • Flexible Organic Electronic and Solar Cells

  • 长期从事扫描探针显微术,及电子新材料、物理和器件研究。特别在碳基光电子薄膜材料的输运性质及器件物理,氧化物基低维纳米结构及其制备和表征,矽基超薄栅绝缘层制备与介面性质,新型扫描探针显微术,表面等离激元光子学,铁电材料纳米特性等方面的研究课题。在国际上率先开展了纳米尺度能量传递的研究,及原子力显微术晶体形貌学的研究。
  • 深入地探讨了石墨烯以及二硫化钼与二氧化矽/矽衬底的相互作用,特别是电荷转移性质及电荷输运的散射机理,取得了石墨烯在二氧化矽/矽衬底上迄今最高的室温电荷迁移率。从实验和理论上,深入系统地研究了石墨烯在过渡金属上的生长规律,并发展了生长高品质石墨烯的方法及制备了新型高性能石墨烯基广谱光电检测器。
  • 深入地研究了有机半导体薄膜和单晶的输运性质,氧化物基半导体薄膜的介面性质,发展了用于制备低成本及低电压有机电晶体的高介电常数栅极介电层。
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